Thursday, May 31, 2012

Meredith...Circa 2002

LIKES: God; trips to Knoxville; NYC trip; midnight talks; WJ's punch; white chocolate; Bullfeathers; MSU; soccer team 01-02; Wal-Mart; Captain Reeky; IAK; Homecoming '99; drag races; BAPS; wrong number conversations; Pink; Booneville guys; bling-bling; secret love monkeys; Elvis; DG store; trips to Meridian; "Hey! How's ya mama?"; Jones; TB's lack of coordination; and rolling yards

DISLIKES: NYC trip; friends forced to move; stupid people; little boys; detours through Alabama; speed bumps; deadlines; Ole Miss; bipolarity; Coach Scott; bomb threats; CR & PP's accents; DP disappearing; red lights; stop signs; and the PKP club

AMBITION: Change my name to Cheerio and use my position as head of the Mafia to try and rid the world of stupid people until I retire with all the stupid people's money to travel around the world.

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