Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Katy B...Circa 2002

LIKES: Sobe; lemonade at the Knight's; purdy birds; history of Jello; sock fishing; the great Razell; gut fights and catfish songs; Pooh the Flounder; the PAM club; deer stampedes; Max; fairy circles; Lucinda's Hole-in-the-Wall; buggy rides; TB's Lysol; being a wax figure; 3 o'clock milk runs; Legolas' new look; TXT; phantom; being 18; CR being attached by a broodmare; TB singing country; MC's Teddy Grahams

DISLIKES: Dead dogs in the window; No-Show SC; LR's violence; blizzards on New Year's Day; Rebellious Shakers; Cry-Day morning; SC's geography skills; Disney in Gov't; double bareback in the Bottom; raw crawdads; KS's dances; big people in little clothes; lemon juice at JS's; camping at AC's; SC's "speed limit"; blue fuzzy slippers; chicken hair; pork and fowl; CR's fishing skills; NJ's coat removal; TB's purpleism; DS and my Timberlands; friends drooling over GG; GG's friend; RR tracks; premeditated twinkieism

AMBITION: To convert a Mack truck into a truly MOBILE home and become a happily married nun, trucker, and mother of twelve little stumps and lumberjacks who will avoid white shorts and beach balls forever.  TO NEVER cross the Mason-Dixon line.

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