Thursday, May 24, 2012

Andy...Circa 2002

LIKES: SBH; The Tank; King Killer; Dale Earnhart Jr.; Tae-Bo; Wesley's Turkey; Yardwork with RM; Stare-out; Lloyd and Harry; JN's 4 finger discount; Chevy's; CA fights with Jim; "Jig-On"; Ryan's Routes; Taking one more; The Patch; cookouts; Baxter's leaf; JN's Green Apple Quick Steps; LS's National Anthem; HDP and WS's ice bowl; Tino's stats; Trips to Pickwick with T.T.

DISLIKES: Collins High School; Fords; The tank hole; Tearing my ACL; Dippin out; six and gone; golf; Pontoons without gas; Ocowee Trips; "They said"; Heartbreak kid; O-Town; Goldust; flats; Interstate stops; Tino's smalls; Wesley's speed; Jeff Gordon; SBH's mailbox; Mapco parking lot; Tatted up coppers; wrecking stuff; SBH's gracefulness; using the sink

AMBITION: To graduate from Ole Miss and become the next Mr. Gottung and on the side become Wesley's physical trainer.

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