Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Baxter...Circa 2002

LIKES: HELMETS; Lynley's dieting ability; 4 fingers; National Anthem; WS's ability to warn people; WS's speed; Taco Bell; AB's ability to lose weight; Job; Round 1 of WS and HD; JN's memory; cookouts; Timon and Pumba; ZD's ability to catch keys; razors; Jr.'s morals and Soph's lack of coping; "I can take one more"; Loyd and Harry; CA's prayers; C. Summers' laugh; Pickwick; JN's laugh; Rust; Mi Toros; back tickles; 500 miles; Cabot Lodge; Larry; OH; road trips; getting lost; aviators; pregame meals; KT's and HD's dreams; BB's Spanish abilities; trig talks; LS's and CA's fights; babysitting SJ's car; Naked Gun 33 1/3; KJ's leap into bushes

DISLIKES: PDA; dipping out; missed fg's; mutes; mistakes; losing; hang-ups; rumors; wannabe's; wrecks; scary dates; O-Town; Collins HS; Lynley; 3 way; fakers; distance; missed opportunities; rolling backpacks; pushing pontoon boats; naps; broken toilet; mustard; butter; Mike and Rick; "They said"; Advil

AMBITION: To be a legend because "legends never die."

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