Saturday, May 26, 2012

Stephanie...Circa 2002

LIKES: Oreos in Jeckyll with DS; Rockford guys; funky lemonade with MKB and DS; "Curly fries and coke"; weekends at MKB's cabin and "It really is milk!"; Hannah's daily useless info; Max; JS's fairy circle; icy hot as Jekyll; Peoria Macker with seniors and JP, AM, and MC cheering; the Miami coroner; "Carrier" and voices in Pizza Hut; frozen grape/strawberry ice cream; tae-bo with JN; track with LRP and her camcorder with zoom; CR's midnight Spanish calls to Tim; LRP's purses; the ponds; observing Jello.

DISLIKES: Haunted railroad tracks and "I'd appreciate it if you'd run!"; Jim's white shorts; Lauren's daily complaints and violence; New Years blizzard; Memphis in May paralysis; driving; MKB's TXT; half-court line; Tish guys at movie place; CR and PKP's British accents; lending accelerator to TG; PKP's shakers; confusing Jackson news with MC; scream rip-off phone calls in the dark at youth house

AMBITION: To actually show up.

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