Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Kalin...Circa 2002

LIKES: The Cabot; the docks; Friends and Company; switching girls with Tuck; senior night; the Jeepsta; Eco Challenge with Tull Skillis and Tracy I; matrix fighting; Bohemian Rhapsody; pep rallies; Vanilla Ice; 100.7; stare out with Ryan Mc; Tucks' neighborhood; "really make you happy don't it"; Tracy I's disco skills; nights out with BL; umpire jokes; spearing scarecrows; Chad's farm; prom; bravo dance

DISLIKES: 4-21-2001; Taco Bell Drive thru; couches on I-55; ROG; Coach Hall's flips; WH's coaching abilities and game; fakin the deal; mud riding with Huey and Trey; leg work; court with Chad; paranoia; still waiting...; mood swings; Collins; my dysfunctional trading baseball cards; baldness; Big Bird; my slacking philosophies; rumors; Physical Science

AMBITION: To get to Cancun, meet a Mexican entrepreneur who will give me a job and put me though school at Northeast Mexico Community College.  I will marry his daughter and take over the Hair Up There Corporation, where Tracy will be my banker, Hillis and Chad my bodyguards, Tuck my bill collector, Munk my kids geometry teacher, and Tull my chef, and I will live "Nappily" ever after with my boys and my thick, lustrous fro.

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