Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Zach...Circa 2002

LIKES: Prentiss K; my little crib; dance nights; cornfields; bags of corn; 7/4/01 & 8/24/01; PK being a great girlfriend; ride back from Jackson, TN w/PK; playoffs; winning; bottom nights; LT's Jeepster; my four-wheeler; my pond and my fish; twice; secrets; shooting turtles w/BP & CL; fishing & hunting w/LT; Senior Night; LT's paddle boat; showers at the Cabot; riding through the hood w/ CL & LT; the clippers; Florida 2001; my other girlfriend LL; camping w/ TT & CL; flowing w/JS & CL; FCF talks; and poker

DISLIKES: Losing the state championship; wrecking LT's jeep & my truck; lightpoles; sinking CL's truck; the hole; Brandon Briggs & Sam Watson; fights w/PK; not killing duck w/LG & BB; ruts in my yard; bad breath; liars; attitudes; studying; a pontoon w/no gas; running from cops; no gas; E.T.; TT's timing ability; and getting stuck

AMBITION: To attend MSU, have a great time, and get a good degree.  Whenever I get out of college I'm going to spend the rest of my life doing something I love to do, whatever that is.  But I know I'm going to keep on hunting and fishing with all my boys.  Then I'm going to marry Prentiss Kitchens and teach her how to cook, hunt, and fish.  Then we will live happily ever after.

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