Monday, May 7, 2012

Tiffany...Circa 2002

LIKES: God; Edward; zebra; purple; "theatre people"; WJ's punch; jump-roping w/phone cords; vacuuming fruit loops; MBP's hair; "Can you DO that?!"; $1.98 Beauty Show; Wal-Mart parking lot; MBP head bumping; "Stupid band!"; "Shortbus"; Central's band hall parking lot; SC's fish obsession; "Literature is not funny!"; fast-talkin' fast-walkin' Corinth girls; MD asking to play; Manbi #5; fufu berry; bee-boo; Velcro Nuns; MR's arm; eye contact on WJ's porch; 10/1/01; Wal-Mart cart pushers; almost cutting off EE's finger while making my hat; Hero; Warrior Circle w/EE, WJ, & JK; "We're in Huntsville?!"; and 3/29/02

DISLIKES: Purple hair; jealous ex's; elephants; bipolarity; guys who cheat on girls; "Tenants' meeting in the parlor!"; stalkers; racism; falling in the back of HR's Explorer; sprained ankles; players; psychotic preachers; ignorance; barbies; foo-foo hair; MBP in the bathroom; "staying" @ boyfriends' houses; "mothers"; boat paddles; DP disappearances; drawls; TG confusions; LOUD people; underclassmen who think they're seniors; Canton; "The Rack"; Shaeger; "Nintendo"; SC's tanning oil; and the sign game

AMBITION: To graduate from Freed-Hardeman, become a psychologist, act on Broadway, get married, have two kids, and have eggs every day.

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