Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tyler...Circa 2002

LIKES: MBT; Brooke; "The Tank"; fishen w/LT, ZD, BP, & CL; Coach E's jokes; Coach S's ability to shoot paper basketballs; The Mexican; The Prairie; TJ's flirts; Sam Watson's golfcarts; football w/BW, AB, JS, ZD; Mrs. Cartwright's drive-by wake up calls; seconds; the real McCoy; "In that case"; Cotton's couch; AW's pool; cans; bottom water; the Rodeo; and P-City w/Tracy

DISLIKES: Bin Laden; stitches; rings; tank hole; Lynley; Crosstie; not winning State; coat hangers & ice; the White Dodge; snobs; Mayflies; Ben B's boat motor knowledge; Kalin B's game; ZD's pyromania; coolers & wooden fences; MTA; Ecochallenge w/ TI, KB, & WH; Garbage men; little guys in big trucks; and FBI non-specials.

AMBITION: To go to Boonvegas & attend the thirteenth grade, get a great job with a prestigious marketing firm, marry Brooke, take Ken-Z fishing all the time, and live happily ever after!

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