Monday, May 21, 2012

Clint...Circa 2002

LIKES: Baseball; Cabot Lodge; Going to Jackson; Senior Night; The Disco Move; Stare Out; Trips to Booneville; dunking on Josh and Grant; playing basketball on an 8 foot goal; Ryan's Barbershop and his Rave; the strobe light; Captain SMW' "The Pen is Mightier"; 5/24/02; Kenny's Chicken; College Football with Kenny; Larry's Movies; Kool-Aid; ping-pong after games; "How Ya Doin'"; 3 math classes

DISLIKES: Mullets; note cards; "I'm talking you're not"; Collins; The Revolution; Grant's domination at Josh's Court; JN's and GR's constant reference to someone's mom.

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