Sunday, May 6, 2012

Jenny...Circa 2002

LIKES: Mrs. Cartwright's hidden talent; trips to Wal-mart with pom-pom dolls of SC; talks in the Montero; the "Mexican"; Mrs. Shirley's many hand motions; my roomy; b-ball 2002; Jackson 2001; "how ya doin?"; crocodile hunter; nitrogen hats; TB's shady conversations; LP's purse collection; P's inspirational speeches; Peoria IL; Homecoming; Christmas; and b-days with the girls; SHAKERS; movies 101; backroad on senior night

DISLIKES: MC's ability to cheer; HDP DELTA GAMMA shirts; HDP's inability to be funny; M. Shirley's many quizzes; animosity w/AM; SC's ability to be normal; fights w/underclassmen; ppl who think they can play b-ball; Ashley Jones; Ellen Buchanan; 3 time raccoon eyes; my ability to be injured; the suitcase fiasco; rumors; freshmen who think they can play tennis; mailboxes; LS infatuation w/BP; Coach Wood's coaching ability; challenges; confrontations in hot tubs; shadows; invisible games in boonevegas; psychotic boyfriends

AMBITION: To single-handedly rid the world of the nasty animosity bug.  Then to lead a revolt against stereotypical guys while finding the true meaning of life, oh wait, there isn't one.  To live in Wal-mart on aisle 45 next door to JN.

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