Monday, April 30, 2012

Nakeitra...Circa 2002

 LIKES: The fact that I am BLESSED; mom's advice; being with J-Mar; Me, LL, & LW "fakin the deal"; having crushes; wanting to hit BR & listening to 100.7; all of LW's men (BBH & AA); Whitney B & Jontae; AB's "CRIP" walk; TN & AB trying to be "Sir Mix-a-Lot" & "Funkmaster Flex"; Me & TW laughing at SR's LAME GAME; Zyon's attitude; Treven; Rachel's outrageous stories; my Explorer Sport; "Coach" Northcutt; RW being a GREAT friend; J-Maine slipping in the "juice"; GD's bad attitude; "This dude right here"; BB & the bet; "What is the REAL reason he can't go to FL?"; HC '01 with DEE; ending HC w/ a kiss (J-Mar); state '00 & '02; Daddy & Patti; Toy & Tila's dance; Coach Robbins; CB & Alabama A&M; and CA's mullet

DISLIKES:  Hearing LL's story 40 times at state; LS's eating habits; cheer camp; Spring Break '02; too many best friends; MH, BB, JP, & CH watching halftimes 1000 times; J-Mar's mood swings; FALSE ACCUSATIONS; people either breaking the "RULE" or cutting it close; PDA; SR's TERRIBLE GAME; bad attitudes; BB not knowing me at times; black slits for eyes; and zebra hair

AMBITION: To become a successful pediatrician, live in an EXTRA LARGE house with my EXTRA RICH husband and drive an orange hummer.

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