Thursday, May 31, 2012

Meredith...Circa 2002

LIKES: God; trips to Knoxville; NYC trip; midnight talks; WJ's punch; white chocolate; Bullfeathers; MSU; soccer team 01-02; Wal-Mart; Captain Reeky; IAK; Homecoming '99; drag races; BAPS; wrong number conversations; Pink; Booneville guys; bling-bling; secret love monkeys; Elvis; DG store; trips to Meridian; "Hey! How's ya mama?"; Jones; TB's lack of coordination; and rolling yards

DISLIKES: NYC trip; friends forced to move; stupid people; little boys; detours through Alabama; speed bumps; deadlines; Ole Miss; bipolarity; Coach Scott; bomb threats; CR & PP's accents; DP disappearing; red lights; stop signs; and the PKP club

AMBITION: Change my name to Cheerio and use my position as head of the Mafia to try and rid the world of stupid people until I retire with all the stupid people's money to travel around the world.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Zach...Circa 2002

LIKES: Prentiss K; my little crib; dance nights; cornfields; bags of corn; 7/4/01 & 8/24/01; PK being a great girlfriend; ride back from Jackson, TN w/PK; playoffs; winning; bottom nights; LT's Jeepster; my four-wheeler; my pond and my fish; twice; secrets; shooting turtles w/BP & CL; fishing & hunting w/LT; Senior Night; LT's paddle boat; showers at the Cabot; riding through the hood w/ CL & LT; the clippers; Florida 2001; my other girlfriend LL; camping w/ TT & CL; flowing w/JS & CL; FCF talks; and poker

DISLIKES: Losing the state championship; wrecking LT's jeep & my truck; lightpoles; sinking CL's truck; the hole; Brandon Briggs & Sam Watson; fights w/PK; not killing duck w/LG & BB; ruts in my yard; bad breath; liars; attitudes; studying; a pontoon w/no gas; running from cops; no gas; E.T.; TT's timing ability; and getting stuck

AMBITION: To attend MSU, have a great time, and get a good degree.  Whenever I get out of college I'm going to spend the rest of my life doing something I love to do, whatever that is.  But I know I'm going to keep on hunting and fishing with all my boys.  Then I'm going to marry Prentiss Kitchens and teach her how to cook, hunt, and fish.  Then we will live happily ever after.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Cory D...Circa 2002

LIKES: DBZ; CH's "uncle's" cabin; my computer; not having to take physics next year; plaid shorts; leaving at 1:15; "Do I still go to school here?"; procrastination; my super saiyan skills; The Matrix; Halo

DISLIKES: CH's "uncle's" cabin part 2; 133 mhz computers; trekkies; Carpet stores; velocity; displacement and Newton; death of Next Gen; ROUN; one-clap systems; Celda; physics; ignorant people; Dairy Queen

AMBITION: To take over Microsoft and have Mr. Gates to bring me coffee and doughnuts every morning for work.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Tonya...Circa 2002

LIKES: God, myself, my family, white neon, Marcus H hair; trip to the B-town with A Walker; summer of '01; 228; to AP and AW; the swimming pool; truck ride with MH; TW's dressing skills; senior night; Dustin S's famous dance; last but not least "Green"

DISLIKES: Peanut (the keys); getting caught up; Mrs. Trapp's worksheets; haters; girls that think they are all that; stuck up people; fake females; skinny females with a lot of kids; all my England trips (not)

AMBITION: To get out of high school, go to the navy, and make money.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Beau...Circa 2002

LIKES: Alabama; C-town Athletic events; Jeep Thang; Bishop Silo; Webster St Luge; Car Surfing; Horrible Browns; Trips to Boonevegas at 3 am; "The Pen is Mightier"; 5/24/02; North NE side; Being Lazy; Parties in "my room"; Phi Slamma Dupa; Slam Counters; The roof; 100.7; Cliff and Mr. Spark; Chick Fil A; Token Piddler; Yams; Vandalism; Paper Mache Heads; The mulletia; The Mexican; The Crane in the Pit; The Practice Field Gazebo; Paintin' the Cow; Sarcasm; Cheshire Cat; 5 mph Boy; Panch villa; CD Burners; Captain SMN; Marez y Marez; my ability to make freshmen fall backwards in KJ's house; punk-outs in commons

DISLIKES: Auburn; Tennessee; Mullets; Bluejeans; Baskin Robbins; Yellow Toy Trucks; Alternators; O'hoolix; Halitosis; Mad truckers with shotguns; witches graveyard; 2/3/01; the revolution; kamikaze; coolant bottles in Ecru; throwing couches and flipping sewer lids; milk duds; the dissapearsons; 1st 3 years at CHS; my speedometer; Collins; Kalin's game; The Yankees; Devious donut dunker; baseball card fights with KB, SS, and CA; pennies; night of the Baldwyn game; the sensations; Buddy Lee; 76 in 55; Senatobia's Wal-Mart; walkin in the Bottom with AB and SS; chicken nuggets cars

AMBITION: After college I will move to Pheonix and become a fry cook.  After saving enough money I will purchase my very own Chick-fil-a franchise.  After marriage, kids, and retirement, I will move back to good ole C-town where I will spend my every waking hour trying to find out Coach Coleman's middle name.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Stephanie...Circa 2002

LIKES: Oreos in Jeckyll with DS; Rockford guys; funky lemonade with MKB and DS; "Curly fries and coke"; weekends at MKB's cabin and "It really is milk!"; Hannah's daily useless info; Max; JS's fairy circle; icy hot as Jekyll; Peoria Macker with seniors and JP, AM, and MC cheering; the Miami coroner; "Carrier" and voices in Pizza Hut; frozen grape/strawberry ice cream; tae-bo with JN; track with LRP and her camcorder with zoom; CR's midnight Spanish calls to Tim; LRP's purses; the ponds; observing Jello.

DISLIKES: Haunted railroad tracks and "I'd appreciate it if you'd run!"; Jim's white shorts; Lauren's daily complaints and violence; New Years blizzard; Memphis in May paralysis; driving; MKB's TXT; half-court line; Tish guys at movie place; CR and PKP's British accents; lending accelerator to TG; PKP's shakers; confusing Jackson news with MC; scream rip-off phone calls in the dark at youth house

AMBITION: To actually show up.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Michelle C...Circa 2002

LIKES: Senior night; TW's ability to hit the tracks; hot tubs; eating with amp dog at the deli; trips to Jackson; BB and MH's ability to make bats; RW's football ability and ice cream flavors; Jessica C's ability to buy purses; CB's ability to act like Anthony Mason; Coach T's philosophy

DISLIKES: Immature seniors-juniors-sophomores-freshmen; people who stare; train tracks and black spots; Mrs. Trapp's research papers; cheating guys; cafeteria food; nappy quick weave; people who beg; people who try to be me; fake people; arguments

AMBITION: To become a successful Physical Therapist in the United States Air Force and marry someone as successful as me and return to Corinth for the class reunion and have everyone envy me.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Andy...Circa 2002

LIKES: SBH; The Tank; King Killer; Dale Earnhart Jr.; Tae-Bo; Wesley's Turkey; Yardwork with RM; Stare-out; Lloyd and Harry; JN's 4 finger discount; Chevy's; CA fights with Jim; "Jig-On"; Ryan's Routes; Taking one more; The Patch; cookouts; Baxter's leaf; JN's Green Apple Quick Steps; LS's National Anthem; HDP and WS's ice bowl; Tino's stats; Trips to Pickwick with T.T.

DISLIKES: Collins High School; Fords; The tank hole; Tearing my ACL; Dippin out; six and gone; golf; Pontoons without gas; Ocowee Trips; "They said"; Heartbreak kid; O-Town; Goldust; flats; Interstate stops; Tino's smalls; Wesley's speed; Jeff Gordon; SBH's mailbox; Mapco parking lot; Tatted up coppers; wrecking stuff; SBH's gracefulness; using the sink

AMBITION: To graduate from Ole Miss and become the next Mr. Gottung and on the side become Wesley's physical trainer.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Kalin...Circa 2002

LIKES: The Cabot; the docks; Friends and Company; switching girls with Tuck; senior night; the Jeepsta; Eco Challenge with Tull Skillis and Tracy I; matrix fighting; Bohemian Rhapsody; pep rallies; Vanilla Ice; 100.7; stare out with Ryan Mc; Tucks' neighborhood; "really make you happy don't it"; Tracy I's disco skills; nights out with BL; umpire jokes; spearing scarecrows; Chad's farm; prom; bravo dance

DISLIKES: 4-21-2001; Taco Bell Drive thru; couches on I-55; ROG; Coach Hall's flips; WH's coaching abilities and game; fakin the deal; mud riding with Huey and Trey; leg work; court with Chad; paranoia; still waiting...; mood swings; Collins; my dysfunctional trading baseball cards; baldness; Big Bird; my slacking philosophies; rumors; Physical Science

AMBITION: To get to Cancun, meet a Mexican entrepreneur who will give me a job and put me though school at Northeast Mexico Community College.  I will marry his daughter and take over the Hair Up There Corporation, where Tracy will be my banker, Hillis and Chad my bodyguards, Tuck my bill collector, Munk my kids geometry teacher, and Tull my chef, and I will live "Nappily" ever after with my boys and my thick, lustrous fro.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Megan...Circa 2002

LIKES: WRJ; meal deals in the van; HDP's t-shirts; chauffeuring KJS; SPJ's story about RB and the wave; "A" lunches; Mardi Gras '99; Spring Break in Utah; Chester and Ruby for lunch; TNG's appetite; psychorides with JBD; POSSIBILITIES; the Hooch and Old Blue; Disney World; 5/24/02; Homecoming with the girls; my roomy; Christmas '01; Jan's vegetable soup; my feather shirt; B-days with the girls; Senior Night; pictures at LER's; Billy; Sarah's salad; double dates; EAS's Spongebob; fireworks with Will and Seth; Frisco CO; Coach Elam's flying tricks; Dollar World; Comcast commercials with LAS; Lynnette's drama; Youth Alive!; Tammy's excitement; Pam P's energy; independence; freshman table parties; HY's sense of humor; apple juice; surprises; RJ's nosedive at tennis; trips to Kmart with SER; waltzing with MS; and road trips

DISLIKES: PDA; surgical procedures; the explosion; group meetings at SPJ's; JB's love triangle; consequences of Mardi Gras '99; "The Stupids"; perms; freshman drama; LAS's passion for animals; RUMORS; AP Chem; the car line; LER's pessimistic attitude; Cross City entertainment; the spacemobile; Catherine's paranoia; awkward moments; last times; cell phone bills; diets; stress; sharing food; attitudes; Jenny's lack of enthusiasm; new juice machine; sharing clothes; mac trucks

AMBITION: To marry the man of my dreams, have 1 boy, 2 girls, and a dog...move to Nashville and teach Sarah's children while she redecorates the inside of my multi-million dollar home and visit "The Bomb" in Destin during the summer.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Clint...Circa 2002

LIKES: Baseball; Cabot Lodge; Going to Jackson; Senior Night; The Disco Move; Stare Out; Trips to Booneville; dunking on Josh and Grant; playing basketball on an 8 foot goal; Ryan's Barbershop and his Rave; the strobe light; Captain SMW' "The Pen is Mightier"; 5/24/02; Kenny's Chicken; College Football with Kenny; Larry's Movies; Kool-Aid; ping-pong after games; "How Ya Doin'"; 3 math classes

DISLIKES: Mullets; note cards; "I'm talking you're not"; Collins; The Revolution; Grant's domination at Josh's Court; JN's and GR's constant reference to someone's mom.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mary Elizabeth...Circa 2002

LIKES: HC weeks w/the girls; senior night; sharing tips at PK's w/PK, SJ, LR, and LS; cornfields; county tournament 2000; the black shirt; SJ's wave story; twice; bottom nights; my piloting abilities; ER throwing a tissue box at KJ; the van; playing speed w/PK; 5/24/02; 'getting caught' by DR in Jackson; Choctaw Princess; Skip Bo; Coach Summers; fine Ray; B-days w/the girls

DISLIKES: Meeting at SPJ's; $23 for 12; Prentiss Co Jail; dates w/roosters; late night trip to AT's cabin; holes in my car roof; PDA; the Trace; community service; Nan and Gingo in SJ's driveway; New Year's Eve phone thieves; being hit w/ car doors; getting stuck w/ZD & TT; calling my daddy to pull us out; mud puddles; a night out in the white van; hiding ZD & LT under my deck; getting stuck at LL's farm; famous late-night trip to AW's; bad attitudes

AMBITION: After college, I plan to be in my own shoe company designing functional, fashionable footwear for beautiful feet.  All profits from the shoes' sales will fund a campaign against stinky, ugly feet, and provide shoes for the poor.  Meanwhile, I'll use my authority as pres. and CEO of the Elvis Int'l Fan Club to travel the world, lecturing men on their obvious ignorance of the words "Love Me Tender," marry the man who learns this most naturally and practices it regularly.  We'll have 3 kids and live in suburb of Birmingham, AL, where I'll work as a party planner.  After the kids are grown, I hope to spend my golden years living w/my husband on a secluded ranch in Montana, where I can enjoy each day caring for the injured wild animals we'll keep there, and spending time w/my friends and family.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Patrick...Circa 2002

LIKES: Senior Night; Ole Miss; The Grove; nights at the pasture and warehouse; muddin' in the Jeep; the waterfall; snowball fights at KR's with SEC, LC, LW, Tam, and SS; the XP thang; washing KR's Lexus; ballin LW's Jeep; trips to Jackson with amm, SL, MW, SEC, Tam, HB, JD, and MW; Cabot Lodge; LW getting the golf cart stuck; Huddle House at 4 a.m.; cotton's ability to tell the difference between rain and water hoses; Chevron; "our camaro"; $2.00 checks; watching "David" at DEE's; the Delta thang; Bishops's Silo; b-ville with WH, JS, TI, LT; Aug 17 and 18

DISLIKES: MSU; egg bowl 2001; sitting down at b-ball games; losing bets with Cotton; hitting deer; CS's dad pulling us over; the Mardi Gras dance; Spanish II; worksheets; Dirty Jeeps; flipping wave runners; The Trace; wrecks; blow outs; people who lie; notecards; WM's driving when it rains and the second you wash your vehicle; amm pulling out in front of cars

AMBITION:  To graduate from Ole Miss with a major in business administrating; get married, make a lot of money, have everything I've ever wanted, and live in a huge house on a nice, big piece of land.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Ashley...Circa 2002

LIKES: Money and green; family; Anthony; Alabama; Ms. Nanny's 3rd period class; clowning with Tiwanna, Mayola, and Cheron; Riding in Booneville and Tupelo with Avia and April; going to O'neal's with Carla and Syletta; Summer nights; flossing with Arlecia; Whitney Mayes; HAP; "the stump"; Jessica Stafford and Crissy Bett's fashionable dressing skills; Ms. Temple and the Chorus sweethearts; Kashena, Ressie, Nicki, and Whitney's personalities

DISLIKES: Saltshakers; ugly people; jealous females; sloppy braids with nappy hair; 6th period arguing with TD; substitutes who tell me I can't laugh

AMBITION: To move far away, graduate from college, and get a good job, live comfortably (rich) with my husband, Jr. McGee.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Katy B...Circa 2002

LIKES: Sobe; lemonade at the Knight's; purdy birds; history of Jello; sock fishing; the great Razell; gut fights and catfish songs; Pooh the Flounder; the PAM club; deer stampedes; Max; fairy circles; Lucinda's Hole-in-the-Wall; buggy rides; TB's Lysol; being a wax figure; 3 o'clock milk runs; Legolas' new look; TXT; phantom; being 18; CR being attached by a broodmare; TB singing country; MC's Teddy Grahams

DISLIKES: Dead dogs in the window; No-Show SC; LR's violence; blizzards on New Year's Day; Rebellious Shakers; Cry-Day morning; SC's geography skills; Disney in Gov't; double bareback in the Bottom; raw crawdads; KS's dances; big people in little clothes; lemon juice at JS's; camping at AC's; SC's "speed limit"; blue fuzzy slippers; chicken hair; pork and fowl; CR's fishing skills; NJ's coat removal; TB's purpleism; DS and my Timberlands; friends drooling over GG; GG's friend; RR tracks; premeditated twinkieism

AMBITION: To convert a Mack truck into a truly MOBILE home and become a happily married nun, trucker, and mother of twelve little stumps and lumberjacks who will avoid white shorts and beach balls forever.  TO NEVER cross the Mason-Dixon line.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wesley H...Circa 2002

LIKES: Rents in N.O.; Bohemian Rhapsody; The Cabot; Bottom water; "BEAR"; West Corinth; The dock; RP at LC crib; TI's fish'n ability; Matrix fighting; 17K's; 1198; ET finger; 5:15; Lobby w/KM; "In that case!"; umpire jokes; senior night; spearing scarecrows; pre-game parties; SPECIALS; Larry's movies; bravo dance; the fire; "25"; Mudridin' in the caddy; Chevron w/JN; Halle Berry; cheese on the outside; and GD & GF

DISLIKES: Eco challenge; DCDC; "I'm talking you're not"; KB's work ethic; LT's fingerhole; Couches on I55; Garbage men; ROF; Mailbox raid and the FBI; WH & KM relationship; "All Talk"; Coach Hall's flips; Kalin's game; Collins; TT's boyfriends; "waiting"; Mantachie's pitcher; "ALRIGHT"; CT; Booneville's short stop; Survey projects; loudmouths; haters; and backstabbers

AMBITION: Go on a long pilgrimage, find the meaning of life, and help Santa at the North Pole.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Bryan...Circa 2002

LIKES: God; family; my baby Delisia and her love; 2 time champs in B-ball; my career in football; DP's smile; FRN; Jan. 1; HPT; EX; DP's looks; summer time; Long Breaks; DEEBO'S CW; Howard's crossovers; DOM: Dewee, Jmar, Mooke, Kolby C Hands; MH lobs; G Wayne block; Wood's steals and int's; GR's no looks; Jim Bones "J"; BEBO's Geeks; close games; DP sleeping at night; Coach Rob clapping hands; CC plays; pre game meals; POPS Bumbiteebump; Tunnel with Wood; JMAR, Wayne; CABDT; Mom's cooking; 2 rings; OLE MISS; scholarships; records and sports at CHS

DISLIKES:  Losing in football championship; Hydw's agilities; losing period; Tupelo and Columbus; Collins; Running for my life; ankle injuries; worksheets; 8-3:15; Girls that can't have me; spring time (animosity season); GWAYNES feet; MH Thumps; getting popped; people that don't like me

AMBITION:  To go to OLE MISS, play football and BBALL, and an education in Sports Medicine; marry my sweetheart Delicia, have wonderful kids, make it to the pros in either sport, have my family as happy as they can be, and my wife and our family to live happily ever after.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Season...Circa 2002

LIKES:  PHC; Senior night; homecoming w/the girls; sharing "tips" w/ OK, MEC, LR, and LS; Lee Tuck's game; "twice"; football & basketball state; fine Ray; the spacemobile; birthdays w/the girls; the hooch; skip-bo; Mardi Gras '99; cheesehead; 6-25-00; County Tournament 2000; playing cards w/ PHC's family; ER's tissue throwing ability; spring break w/ SJ; rides in KJ's van; "A" lunches; 5-24-02; Aunt Annie's house and hot tub.

DISLIKES: Cabdrivers from Haiti; girls w/ attitudes; $23 for 12; moms in my driveway; late night trips to AW's; PDA; Prentiss Co. jail; the Trace; freshman love triangle; the 'Trap'; meetings; tattle tails; working all summer for two trucks; the blazer dying at McDonald's; getting stuck at the farm; MACK trucks; New Years 2000; purple balloons; Starkville w/SER; Natural; unstable sinks; rumors; nightout w/ JS in the van, and tap dancing

AMBITION: To live in a multi-million dollar manufactured home on the hilltop of the Peach Orchard in Kossuth, picking peaches everyday for the rest of my life, and owning a gas station down the road.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Crystal...Circa 2002

LIKES: God; my family; Grandmother's RIP; The Baby; Manny; 3/12/00; Whitney B; Airele; Crissy; Michelle; Pink Panthers State 2000; 5/12/00; 4/7/01; A. Walker Spanish Party and Wal-Mart; Crissy's Helmet and party; Deshae's relationship; Wendy's-I didn't do it; Wal-Mart; The Bird; Summer Nights; Sociology 3rd; water fights 2001; being a senior; May 24, 2002; My Montero a.k.a. Monte; Tonya being crazy; Jessica's arm in window; concerts hint hint; A. Walker just because; MYSELF!!!

DISLIKES: People who don't like me; face smiles; stupid comments; having rules for certain people; attitudes; people with problems; Texas; people on lock down; people that stare; threatening people; girls with no hair on the side; people's toes that look like hands; FAKE PEOPLE PERIOD!!!

AMBITION: To graduate, to be a good mother, and for Manny and I to have a successful relationship, go to college and to be all that I can be.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

William...Circa 2002

LIKES: 11/5/01; cute and sweet girls; my home girl Lil' B; Laura Rod's talks; 100-7; rollin' with my boys; Tupelo; davity; Tasha at Big Lots; representing' LB; hip-hop; Wal-Mart; Egg Bowl '01; 9/22/01; SNICK in the 7th grade; Atlanta; Jacksonville Jaguars; AE's pants; and AW

DISLIKES: Racism; mean and stuck up girls; Mrs. Trapp's worksheets; lies; boy bands; Creed; laps around Southgate Shopping Mall; working weeknights at Big Lots; Lil B's slaps; pop; girls at the side of the Daily Corinthian; and Tennessee Titans

AMBITION: To take Fred Durst's place in Limp Bizkit and marry Beyonce Knowles of Destiny's Child.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Grant...Circa 2002

LIKES: KEB; Ryan's barber shop; the jump at Alliant Tech; Kenny; Newsoms court; "the Big House" the Club; Two Times; Beau's B-ball skills; Ryan's ability to do nothing two summers ago; "I can take one more"; Linda and Lisa; JN and CL; Cuz; Katherine; my dunking ability;  8 foot goals; watching games with Kenny; white chocolate; Linda's kool-aid; stick horses; football at the Y; 110 in golf at HCC

DISLIKES: Dixie and Keb; "The Man"; vans; mailboxes; Camp Yocona; The Revolution; WAL-MART; bottles of water; Josh's ability to make fun of people; "This one time"; getting dunked on; Beau's ability to never be wrong

AMBITION: Graduate from college. Move back to CHS and take Coach Robbins' job.  Hire Coach Greene as my assistant, Dernard as my water boy manager, Katie as my cheerleader coordinator, and Josh as my lay up coach.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tyler...Circa 2002

LIKES: MBT; Brooke; "The Tank"; fishen w/LT, ZD, BP, & CL; Coach E's jokes; Coach S's ability to shoot paper basketballs; The Mexican; The Prairie; TJ's flirts; Sam Watson's golfcarts; football w/BW, AB, JS, ZD; Mrs. Cartwright's drive-by wake up calls; seconds; the real McCoy; "In that case"; Cotton's couch; AW's pool; cans; bottom water; the Rodeo; and P-City w/Tracy

DISLIKES: Bin Laden; stitches; rings; tank hole; Lynley; Crosstie; not winning State; coat hangers & ice; the White Dodge; snobs; Mayflies; Ben B's boat motor knowledge; Kalin B's game; ZD's pyromania; coolers & wooden fences; MTA; Ecochallenge w/ TI, KB, & WH; Garbage men; little guys in big trucks; and FBI non-specials.

AMBITION: To go to Boonvegas & attend the thirteenth grade, get a great job with a prestigious marketing firm, marry Brooke, take Ken-Z fishing all the time, and live happily ever after!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Tiffany...Circa 2002

LIKES: God; Edward; zebra; purple; "theatre people"; WJ's punch; jump-roping w/phone cords; vacuuming fruit loops; MBP's hair; "Can you DO that?!"; $1.98 Beauty Show; Wal-Mart parking lot; MBP head bumping; "Stupid band!"; "Shortbus"; Central's band hall parking lot; SC's fish obsession; "Literature is not funny!"; fast-talkin' fast-walkin' Corinth girls; MD asking to play; Manbi #5; fufu berry; bee-boo; Velcro Nuns; MR's arm; eye contact on WJ's porch; 10/1/01; Wal-Mart cart pushers; almost cutting off EE's finger while making my hat; Hero; Warrior Circle w/EE, WJ, & JK; "We're in Huntsville?!"; and 3/29/02

DISLIKES: Purple hair; jealous ex's; elephants; bipolarity; guys who cheat on girls; "Tenants' meeting in the parlor!"; stalkers; racism; falling in the back of HR's Explorer; sprained ankles; players; psychotic preachers; ignorance; barbies; foo-foo hair; MBP in the bathroom; "staying" @ boyfriends' houses; "mothers"; boat paddles; DP disappearances; drawls; TG confusions; LOUD people; underclassmen who think they're seniors; Canton; "The Rack"; Shaeger; "Nintendo"; SC's tanning oil; and the sign game

AMBITION: To graduate from Freed-Hardeman, become a psychologist, act on Broadway, get married, have two kids, and have eggs every day.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Jenny...Circa 2002

LIKES: Mrs. Cartwright's hidden talent; trips to Wal-mart with pom-pom dolls of SC; talks in the Montero; the "Mexican"; Mrs. Shirley's many hand motions; my roomy; b-ball 2002; Jackson 2001; "how ya doin?"; crocodile hunter; nitrogen hats; TB's shady conversations; LP's purse collection; P's inspirational speeches; Peoria IL; Homecoming; Christmas; and b-days with the girls; SHAKERS; movies 101; backroad on senior night

DISLIKES: MC's ability to cheer; HDP DELTA GAMMA shirts; HDP's inability to be funny; M. Shirley's many quizzes; animosity w/AM; SC's ability to be normal; fights w/underclassmen; ppl who think they can play b-ball; Ashley Jones; Ellen Buchanan; 3 time raccoon eyes; my ability to be injured; the suitcase fiasco; rumors; freshmen who think they can play tennis; mailboxes; LS infatuation w/BP; Coach Wood's coaching ability; challenges; confrontations in hot tubs; shadows; invisible games in boonevegas; psychotic boyfriends

AMBITION: To single-handedly rid the world of the nasty animosity bug.  Then to lead a revolt against stereotypical guys while finding the true meaning of life, oh wait, there isn't one.  To live in Wal-mart on aisle 45 next door to JN.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Toni...Circa 2002

LIKES: My relationship with God; 6th period discussions; Israel's sandwiches in saran wrap; PKP club; Alicia's friendship; Dallas; Ms. Irene's friendship and advice; last minutes; French w/ Crystal; "rollo" and "Ashganiskan"; musical talent; Lifetime; yellow; Bonita; Lauren's violence; Red Neck's arguments; Pizza Hut; driving to TN; Mr. Chaney's knowledge; Mr. Harvel's driving; freshmen boys; cafeteria chit-chat; Andy cast off island

DISLIKES: Heartaches of 45; C. Taylor's bad advice; Mert's breakup; having to teach myself; not doing any work; Area codes; Thrasher, Booneville, McNairy, and New Albany; AP Cal. Exam books; deadlines; MC, CD, and my relationship confusion; WJ being busy; trombone section; July; Bax's the "little yellow puppy"; TD's driving; Miss Jodi leaving; copycats; "pinky"

AMBITION: To pursue my modeling career with Cover Girl and along with my husband Morris Chesnutt, open a center for marriage and relationship counseling.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Prentiss...Circa 2002

 LIKES: Zack D; SPRING BREAK 2002; junior girls; runs w/KJ; KB & LL; Starkville; FCF talks w/ZD; 7-4-01; 8-24-01; bottom nights; senior night; Mardi Gras '99; Steve & Kathy; summer '01; FL '01; driveway parties; 5-24-02; Cotton's Huck Finn song; skipbo; speed; chicken nuggets; "The Little House"; bags of corn; my two boyfriends CL & ZD; "the splits"; Lil' Lee; hitting 'him' up style; riding 4-wheelers; trips to Pickwick w/ ZD & KJ; cheezhead; Co. tourn 2000; Coach Summers' class; black shirts; my baby sister-in-law Gracie

DISLIKES: Chicostash; KER's dog boys; coon; fighting w/ZD; attitudes; Prentiss Co jail; Moms in Sea's driveway; $23 for 12; text messages in FL; Walk's disappearing act; belly shirts in the winter; fights @KJ's house; the trace; ZD's sharing ability; being a voice; ZD's air conditioning; searching for a pontoon; late night trips to AT's cabin; goodbyes; "ice"; the 'Trap'; getting "caught" by DR in Jackson

AMBITION: To spend the next 4 years of my life at MSU majoring in accounting.  After graduating from MSU I plan to attend cooking school and become a world famous chef and cook for my husband, Zack D, every night.  Then spend all my summers cooking for Katy J & KB @ "the bomb."