Thursday, June 28, 2012

Whitney...Circa 2002

LIKES: God; Sparkle; 2:30 AM walks; LR's complaints; CG's math skills; cherry limeades; SC fish fetish; my punch; "morals"; Shorty two-pants; NYC trip; "can you DO that?"; $1.98 beauty show; stepping on TG's hair; ATWT; tae-bo; ding-dongs; and chocolate milk; mark time smiles; Excursion Rd.; love shackin' the why; where's the glass; ag gro; TJ & JT; Snickers ice cream bars; apathy disease; snobs; Warrior circle w/ JK, TG & EE.

DISLIKES: Loud people; being 'busy'; CR & PP accents; cow abuse; NYC trip; Oxford; DP disappearances; Democrats; bipolarity; bad drivers; MD and my door; KN unwound camera; broken ac; HR driving; ICC lettuce, tomato, and nappy cake; ducks & tight britches; slow walking people; TG's dream

AMBITION: To graduate from MSU, get married and raise my children while sitting in my swing on my front porch drinking sweet tea.  And have eggs everyday.

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