Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tiffany...Circa 2002

LIKES: Senior nite; "Junior girls"; boyfriend; ballin in the "Stretch Navi" for prom; Kalin's chances; sneak-ins; ballin in the Jeep w/Juniors this summer; JE's house w/LEW; "New Year's Eve"; day before cheerleading camp; going to blue and yellow-purple hills w/LW, LL, LM, & LC; prom night; late night calls; Thursday night tradition; Chicken run w/Juniors in LEW's 4-runner; El Casa parties; Whitney's cell phone rage; Jane's cabin; mud riding in the "Road Runner"; KT staying at the houseboat; dances; ballin in the "Purple Van" w/AM & WW; longer trip w/ LC; wearing "moon pants"; "Slip-n-slide" & "kickball" at Lamar's; Bob & Nate's farm; "Grubbing" at Ruby Tues. for LR B-day; ICC soccer trips w/KR; hospital visits; and Spanish class 2000-2001

DISLIKES: Nosy kids; 2-faced, fake people; lame-game; immaturity; "spaz outs"; cheer Buddha, Raggedy Ann; AM cleanups; PDA; rainy nights in the bottom; car watching; Mikey crashing Kalin's game; Ana's driving abilities; Kelly T's sister fights; spider attack on jetski w/ KT; no raideo in "Road Runner"; thrown out of softball game for saying "yessir"; hyperventilating & breathing in a paper bag; KT squeezing me into prom dress; and getting lost in Tupelo w/LEW, JM, & KER

AMBITION: To graduate from UNA, become a successful Registered Nurse, and move out of Corinth to raise my family with the man I love.

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