Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Heather M...Circa 2002

LIKES: 12-17-99; RDM, 6-30-01; cookouts at my house; 3 pd w/ER, A Mills, & KS; 4-wheeler riding; Six Flags; parties; "MIKIE-RIP"; Jasper; canoeing trip; "My lunchables so cute"; the big Blazer; ER's crazy ways; the big blue Ford; Christmas 2001; my trip to AZ; Homecoming 2001; scholarships; Yellow Creek Port; 38 cent ice creams; EJ; Spongebob; my job; and get togethers

DISLIKES: Rumors; childish people; research papers; May 10, 1999; death cold nights; people who yell; breakups; dogs; big mac's & fries; late nights at Subways; liars; long lines; sugar-free donuts; drugs; pulling people out of the mud; Bear Creek canoeing trip; people who can't drive; getting calls at 1:00 in the morning; people who keep stuff going; fish; arguing w/RM; and posers

AMBITION: To become an RN, move away from Corinth to a log house by the lake and live happily ever after with Amanda and Jon coming over from next door to cook out.

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