Saturday, June 23, 2012

Phil...Circa 2002

LIKES: God; football; My sisters FH, WM, TM, MM, TW; 1st & 3rd prd; females; basketball; winning the division & North half trophies; coaches JM,  RS, CC, FT, SP, D-Rob, KG, Elam; lunch time w/my boys; trippin w/DC, TP, DA, BJ, B-Real, Harvey, Peanut, JC, JS, Bee, Monk, DP; lifting weights; cracking jokes w/Deuc ZZ Deuc; playing on the computer; dunking on Coach Greene; laughing at Coach D-Rob's expression; hanging w/KN, HR, SC, JD; Having a good friend MC; and Ana D and Andrea in 6th period.

DISLIKES: Losing football state championship; loud mouth people; ACT testing; research papers; school lunch; smart mouth people; Coach Taylor slapping my stomach; and Bee walking down the hallway w/my sister.

AMBITION: To become a great football player one day.  Also become a great sport trainer and coach and to play for the NFL.

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