Thursday, June 21, 2012

Michelle...Circa 2002

LIKES: MAV; SDA's bad timing; MAG and the whole crew; EHL; RER; "MIKIE-RIP"; Tatum's sense of humor; Ray's dancing abilities; Mari's quick learning abilities; KLS's car!; Ampdog @ BR; Tatum's Iuka girl and it doesn't matter; ARM & HAM's lunch talk; AW and AS's sisterhood; Brit's wise comments; RRP confusing multiple questions; S. Joi; and "nice" remarks

DISLIKES: Ray's singing abilities; people who judge others before knowing them; May 10th of 98, 99, 00, & 01; certain ones that won't let go; drummers that will not stop beating on things; and nosey people

AMBITION: Go to Northeast for one year, then go to Ole Miss to get my CPA degree.  After I graduate, come back to Corinth and have a family.

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