Saturday, June 30, 2012

Brandie L...Circa 2002

LIKES: Brat and froggie; white horses; princess; u got it bad; buggy boys; teddy bear; adidas; nike; levi; elmo; cruzdog; playing in the rain; my crush on CS; first kisses; trip to Tupelo with CS & JR; weekends at Moe's and the bowling alley; smell good pens; late night trips to Wal-Mart; truck pulls; trips to Covington; Baby Ruth; purple and black dye for CS and JR's hair; crocodiles and alligators; 8 people in an Altima; my first dance; the trailer; bouncy balls; skating rink; the green slimmer; trips to Pickwick and Piney Grove; sleepovers; riding through the park in the truck; hollering out the window; angel; kermit; and playing matchmaker

DISLIKES: Transams; bird boys; bad reputations; needles; going to the doctor; heartaches; arguing; red headed guys; navy blue low rider; leaving new friends and losing old and new friends; liars; es's; white Nova; red van; and Red corolla

AMBITION: To become a nurse practitioner, marry some wonderful guy, have kids, go skydiving, go bungee jumping, go deep sea diving, go to Jamaica, build my own house, prove everyone wrong that said anything negative, keep my friends and make new ones.

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