Monday, June 25, 2012

Tracy...Circa 2002

LIKES: AGD; road trips; the Cabot; the dock; grubbish; bravo dance; "church"; Josh's circles; 515; Bohemian Rhapsody; the fire; TG's house; Ballin Tull's Tahoe in PC; grubbin at Tuck's; matrix fighting; winning Abs. Unlimited; golf carts; $.25; Friends & Company; Haye's game at S.C.'s; senior night; the bottom w/Kalin; nights w/BL; SC & HB's compliments; 6/2-6/9; Homecoming '00; RM's stare out skills; "in that case"; Tuck's clapping ability; parking lots at 3 a.m.; chillin at Cotton's; and elevators.

DISLIKES: Collins; I-55; mailboxes; Coach Hall's punishment conditioning; ROG; formals; Kalin's game; exams; shadows; sofas on the interstate; sweating bullets leaving the bottom; Grace's driving skills; losing; advisor schedule; Hillis' coaching ability; Josh's ability to never be wrong; people that drove white Explorers; Tamara's "a-l-r-i-g-h-t"; ecochallenge w/Tull, Kalin, & Hillis; Haunted Hollow; walking through Wendy's drive-thru; and getting busted on a church trip

AMBITION: To go to Northeast for one year, then transfer to Mississippi State University where I will major in Business/Banking, after which, I will join forces with Kalin in the Hair Up There Corporation to help pay for my Hummer and my mansion.  Then I will get married, have fun, live large, and raise my son to be an All-American Baseball Player.

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