Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Corey...Circa 2002

LIKES: Trips to Pickwick; the campsite; the Blue Beast; the pasture; the trailer; the warehouse; Clay's suburban; "David"; the pit; conversations with BL; Senior Night; getting out of school at lunch; muddin  in Conner's Bronco; talking about trucks with Forrest; riding around with MRM & JLH; racing people; "Cockeye" at Catdog's house; and the big DB.

DISLIKES: Accents; the "Booneville Boys"; punching stuff with your left hand; Beau's house after the Baldwyn game; getting stuck in ditches in Kossuth; "Kicked out"; Egg Bowl 2001; "Rearview Mirror"; Morning Animosity; blown radiator hoses; "locked out"; NOTECARDS; and pushing Shade's Jeep at Subway

AMBITION: To go to college, be an electrician, be rich, own a mansion out in the woods, and have the biggest four-wheel drive with the loudest system in Mississippi.

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