Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tommy...Circa 2002

LIKES: 8/27; May 24 at 8:00 p.m.; my truck; coming to school for only four hours; Coach Greene's Sociology class; picking on SC about Nae Nae; Coach Scott's class; Coyote Ugly; videotape of AS; Going to Panama City Beach for Spring Break; SC's one hand wave; having a cotton tag; taking a walk with RW; and having SC chase me and not stopping

DISLIKES: All of my car wrecks; Mrs. Trapp's worksheets; jackknifing my car; getting speeding tickets; BC's staring problem; never getting a chance to watch Coyote Ugly; having Nae Nae, MM, and SH drop out; and SC's obsession w/ Nae Nae

AMBITION: To make a lot of money and start a customizing shop with Nae Nae.

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