Friday, June 22, 2012

Ashley...Circa 2002

LIKES: Softball; HO's treadmill; riding the bull; senior night; the bridge; softball girls piling in  my car; Steven's parties; the "Neon"; hanging out the window hitting puddles; FROGS; taaka; guys; p.g. position; being state champs; state for football; bountiful bathtub; Jazzy's; 708; the bottom; muddin; orange; dew; "pool parties" at my house; watching FBI files with A Mac; breaking softball record; the OH; running at 12 a.m.; DECA state; and ACES

DISLIKES: Heather O's mom calling the cops; Hormick; locking my keys in my car; Ana D's ability to drive; Heather O. and mailboxes; wading in the water to the sheriff's station; Panda Bears; people messing with my car; central guys; research papers; Heather O's driving; lunchables; the awful waitress at the OH; Blue F150's; bottles thrown at my head; and Sorry Mrs. Jackson

AMBITION: Become a renowned psychologist and brainwash the entire world.  Then rule with absolute power, while living the good life in Fiji.

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