Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dan...Circa 2002

LIKES: Davity; laps around Southgate parking lot; Roger's parking lot; Wal-Mart; 9/22/01; crazy people; captain crunch; Arby's; Wend's bus loads; poster boards of people; red lights; industrial park; bowling alley; homecoming; laser tag; btr-fly; 1/5/02; meeting back in 5 min; checkers; K-Mart PL; meeting on messenger; 2/27/02; 3/10/02; late night rides; running EM; my car; "you can do it"; raw meat; apron footballs; and stealing CD's

DISLIKES: Sketchbooks; 11 days; 1st of the month at work; 1/5/02; car systems; bosses; my 1st car; break ups; early dates; setting up early; car payments; getting stuck; Green Grand Prix; and security sharps

AMBITION: To continue working and retire as a bag boy at Roger's.

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