Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Katy J...Circa 2002

LIKES: The Van; LS Pickwick trips with ZA and PK; late night trips to JH's Cabin; Runs with KB, EAS, PK, & LL; Road trips to Jackson; Surprise B-day parties at JB's Cullen pollard; aviators; Lyn's "recent" fashion, her ability to dance like MJ, and her ability to hit squirrels; HDP's t-shirts; the kickball tournament; Red's intense dreams; starting the clap; meal-deals in the van; C-team tennis; Choctaw Princess; HC weeks with the girls; Eating Chester and Ruby for lunch; Cotton's splits and her Huck Finn song; Trig talks; BW's and JN's 500 miles; EAS's ability to drive the van and her "outings" on the roof; DDD-PPP; Abe's; 38th Special concert with Ross; 3-way calling; van trip to Harvey's; Spring Break '02; Mr. D's bathroom; CP soup; Summer '01; Sonic cups; MEC's ability to be on time; ballin' in the Montero with Bonnie and Clyde; free water at Wendy's and Cruel Intentions.

DISLIKES: PDA; Debbie (the cell phone stealer); KB's love triangle and her jack-in-the-box game; falling in bushes; riding with TG; LR's pessimistic attitude about everything; the "Trap"; lame-game; rumors and exaggeration; getting lost; deflated mattresses; Katy boo boo; falling ice; unstable sinks; meeting at SPJ's; the explosion; searching for the pontoon; my mom taking my CD's; cab drivers from Haiti; hitting SS's car; Losing Walk; the wrong end; SPJ's story about RB and the wave; promise rings; losing everything

AMBITION:  To be an anesthesiologist and live as far away as possible from my competition, Huey Don, and own a house in Destiny by the Sea in Destin, FL, with Breter and our husbands and call it "The Bomb."

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