Saturday, June 30, 2012

Brandie L...Circa 2002

LIKES: Brat and froggie; white horses; princess; u got it bad; buggy boys; teddy bear; adidas; nike; levi; elmo; cruzdog; playing in the rain; my crush on CS; first kisses; trip to Tupelo with CS & JR; weekends at Moe's and the bowling alley; smell good pens; late night trips to Wal-Mart; truck pulls; trips to Covington; Baby Ruth; purple and black dye for CS and JR's hair; crocodiles and alligators; 8 people in an Altima; my first dance; the trailer; bouncy balls; skating rink; the green slimmer; trips to Pickwick and Piney Grove; sleepovers; riding through the park in the truck; hollering out the window; angel; kermit; and playing matchmaker

DISLIKES: Transams; bird boys; bad reputations; needles; going to the doctor; heartaches; arguing; red headed guys; navy blue low rider; leaving new friends and losing old and new friends; liars; es's; white Nova; red van; and Red corolla

AMBITION: To become a nurse practitioner, marry some wonderful guy, have kids, go skydiving, go bungee jumping, go deep sea diving, go to Jamaica, build my own house, prove everyone wrong that said anything negative, keep my friends and make new ones.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Eric...Circa 2002

LIKES: Being 18, football, hunting, hanging out with Stan B; girls who will talk; working at Russell's Beef House; Stan's ability to come up with jokes; riding 4-wheelers with my cousin Shawn; going to New Orleans; challenges; and finally getting out of this place

DISLIKES: My bosses' 'attitude'; girls who don't work and act like they are better than everyone else; people who say my job is easy; no thank you when you do your job and my face

AMBITION: To go to college, and get a car and start a life of my own.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Whitney...Circa 2002

LIKES: God; Sparkle; 2:30 AM walks; LR's complaints; CG's math skills; cherry limeades; SC fish fetish; my punch; "morals"; Shorty two-pants; NYC trip; "can you DO that?"; $1.98 beauty show; stepping on TG's hair; ATWT; tae-bo; ding-dongs; and chocolate milk; mark time smiles; Excursion Rd.; love shackin' the why; where's the glass; ag gro; TJ & JT; Snickers ice cream bars; apathy disease; snobs; Warrior circle w/ JK, TG & EE.

DISLIKES: Loud people; being 'busy'; CR & PP accents; cow abuse; NYC trip; Oxford; DP disappearances; Democrats; bipolarity; bad drivers; MD and my door; KN unwound camera; broken ac; HR driving; ICC lettuce, tomato, and nappy cake; ducks & tight britches; slow walking people; TG's dream

AMBITION: To graduate from MSU, get married and raise my children while sitting in my swing on my front porch drinking sweet tea.  And have eggs everyday.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Heather M...Circa 2002

LIKES: 12-17-99; RDM, 6-30-01; cookouts at my house; 3 pd w/ER, A Mills, & KS; 4-wheeler riding; Six Flags; parties; "MIKIE-RIP"; Jasper; canoeing trip; "My lunchables so cute"; the big Blazer; ER's crazy ways; the big blue Ford; Christmas 2001; my trip to AZ; Homecoming 2001; scholarships; Yellow Creek Port; 38 cent ice creams; EJ; Spongebob; my job; and get togethers

DISLIKES: Rumors; childish people; research papers; May 10, 1999; death cold nights; people who yell; breakups; dogs; big mac's & fries; late nights at Subways; liars; long lines; sugar-free donuts; drugs; pulling people out of the mud; Bear Creek canoeing trip; people who can't drive; getting calls at 1:00 in the morning; people who keep stuff going; fish; arguing w/RM; and posers

AMBITION: To become an RN, move away from Corinth to a log house by the lake and live happily ever after with Amanda and Jon coming over from next door to cook out.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Katy J...Circa 2002

LIKES: The Van; LS Pickwick trips with ZA and PK; late night trips to JH's Cabin; Runs with KB, EAS, PK, & LL; Road trips to Jackson; Surprise B-day parties at JB's Cullen pollard; aviators; Lyn's "recent" fashion, her ability to dance like MJ, and her ability to hit squirrels; HDP's t-shirts; the kickball tournament; Red's intense dreams; starting the clap; meal-deals in the van; C-team tennis; Choctaw Princess; HC weeks with the girls; Eating Chester and Ruby for lunch; Cotton's splits and her Huck Finn song; Trig talks; BW's and JN's 500 miles; EAS's ability to drive the van and her "outings" on the roof; DDD-PPP; Abe's; 38th Special concert with Ross; 3-way calling; van trip to Harvey's; Spring Break '02; Mr. D's bathroom; CP soup; Summer '01; Sonic cups; MEC's ability to be on time; ballin' in the Montero with Bonnie and Clyde; free water at Wendy's and Cruel Intentions.

DISLIKES: PDA; Debbie (the cell phone stealer); KB's love triangle and her jack-in-the-box game; falling in bushes; riding with TG; LR's pessimistic attitude about everything; the "Trap"; lame-game; rumors and exaggeration; getting lost; deflated mattresses; Katy boo boo; falling ice; unstable sinks; meeting at SPJ's; the explosion; searching for the pontoon; my mom taking my CD's; cab drivers from Haiti; hitting SS's car; Losing Walk; the wrong end; SPJ's story about RB and the wave; promise rings; losing everything

AMBITION:  To be an anesthesiologist and live as far away as possible from my competition, Huey Don, and own a house in Destiny by the Sea in Destin, FL, with Breter and our husbands and call it "The Bomb."

Monday, June 25, 2012

Tracy...Circa 2002

LIKES: AGD; road trips; the Cabot; the dock; grubbish; bravo dance; "church"; Josh's circles; 515; Bohemian Rhapsody; the fire; TG's house; Ballin Tull's Tahoe in PC; grubbin at Tuck's; matrix fighting; winning Abs. Unlimited; golf carts; $.25; Friends & Company; Haye's game at S.C.'s; senior night; the bottom w/Kalin; nights w/BL; SC & HB's compliments; 6/2-6/9; Homecoming '00; RM's stare out skills; "in that case"; Tuck's clapping ability; parking lots at 3 a.m.; chillin at Cotton's; and elevators.

DISLIKES: Collins; I-55; mailboxes; Coach Hall's punishment conditioning; ROG; formals; Kalin's game; exams; shadows; sofas on the interstate; sweating bullets leaving the bottom; Grace's driving skills; losing; advisor schedule; Hillis' coaching ability; Josh's ability to never be wrong; people that drove white Explorers; Tamara's "a-l-r-i-g-h-t"; ecochallenge w/Tull, Kalin, & Hillis; Haunted Hollow; walking through Wendy's drive-thru; and getting busted on a church trip

AMBITION: To go to Northeast for one year, then transfer to Mississippi State University where I will major in Business/Banking, after which, I will join forces with Kalin in the Hair Up There Corporation to help pay for my Hummer and my mansion.  Then I will get married, have fun, live large, and raise my son to be an All-American Baseball Player.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Marquita...Circa 2002

LIKES: God; family; friends; my 1; my baby girl J that turned 1 April 3; May 24, 2002; Navy; Mrs. Elam's ways; 3rd period; dancing; free time; cell phones; e-mail; performing; senior night; trunks; mroom; the white neon; 626; Aaliyah; VCS Jones; Mrs. T's test (not); Dustin's dance; band trip massacres; SB '01; and myself

DISLIKES: HATERS; people that are 4-ever talking; people that stay in your business; people that think they are better than you; procrastinators; liars; people that act cool w/you one minute then stupid the next; S&S; Mrs. Cartwright's bad memory when it comes to the last note; people that live in the past and always bring it up; and people that blow things out of proportion.

AMBITION: To go to the Navy and have a good life, and not let people stand in my way.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Phil...Circa 2002

LIKES: God; football; My sisters FH, WM, TM, MM, TW; 1st & 3rd prd; females; basketball; winning the division & North half trophies; coaches JM,  RS, CC, FT, SP, D-Rob, KG, Elam; lunch time w/my boys; trippin w/DC, TP, DA, BJ, B-Real, Harvey, Peanut, JC, JS, Bee, Monk, DP; lifting weights; cracking jokes w/Deuc ZZ Deuc; playing on the computer; dunking on Coach Greene; laughing at Coach D-Rob's expression; hanging w/KN, HR, SC, JD; Having a good friend MC; and Ana D and Andrea in 6th period.

DISLIKES: Losing football state championship; loud mouth people; ACT testing; research papers; school lunch; smart mouth people; Coach Taylor slapping my stomach; and Bee walking down the hallway w/my sister.

AMBITION: To become a great football player one day.  Also become a great sport trainer and coach and to play for the NFL.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Ashley...Circa 2002

LIKES: Softball; HO's treadmill; riding the bull; senior night; the bridge; softball girls piling in  my car; Steven's parties; the "Neon"; hanging out the window hitting puddles; FROGS; taaka; guys; p.g. position; being state champs; state for football; bountiful bathtub; Jazzy's; 708; the bottom; muddin; orange; dew; "pool parties" at my house; watching FBI files with A Mac; breaking softball record; the OH; running at 12 a.m.; DECA state; and ACES

DISLIKES: Heather O's mom calling the cops; Hormick; locking my keys in my car; Ana D's ability to drive; Heather O. and mailboxes; wading in the water to the sheriff's station; Panda Bears; people messing with my car; central guys; research papers; Heather O's driving; lunchables; the awful waitress at the OH; Blue F150's; bottles thrown at my head; and Sorry Mrs. Jackson

AMBITION: Become a renowned psychologist and brainwash the entire world.  Then rule with absolute power, while living the good life in Fiji.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Michelle...Circa 2002

LIKES: MAV; SDA's bad timing; MAG and the whole crew; EHL; RER; "MIKIE-RIP"; Tatum's sense of humor; Ray's dancing abilities; Mari's quick learning abilities; KLS's car!; Ampdog @ BR; Tatum's Iuka girl and it doesn't matter; ARM & HAM's lunch talk; AW and AS's sisterhood; Brit's wise comments; RRP confusing multiple questions; S. Joi; and "nice" remarks

DISLIKES: Ray's singing abilities; people who judge others before knowing them; May 10th of 98, 99, 00, & 01; certain ones that won't let go; drummers that will not stop beating on things; and nosey people

AMBITION: Go to Northeast for one year, then go to Ole Miss to get my CPA degree.  After I graduate, come back to Corinth and have a family.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Corey...Circa 2002

LIKES: Trips to Pickwick; the campsite; the Blue Beast; the pasture; the trailer; the warehouse; Clay's suburban; "David"; the pit; conversations with BL; Senior Night; getting out of school at lunch; muddin  in Conner's Bronco; talking about trucks with Forrest; riding around with MRM & JLH; racing people; "Cockeye" at Catdog's house; and the big DB.

DISLIKES: Accents; the "Booneville Boys"; punching stuff with your left hand; Beau's house after the Baldwyn game; getting stuck in ditches in Kossuth; "Kicked out"; Egg Bowl 2001; "Rearview Mirror"; Morning Animosity; blown radiator hoses; "locked out"; NOTECARDS; and pushing Shade's Jeep at Subway

AMBITION: To go to college, be an electrician, be rich, own a mansion out in the woods, and have the biggest four-wheel drive with the loudest system in Mississippi.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tiffany...Circa 2002

LIKES: Senior nite; "Junior girls"; boyfriend; ballin in the "Stretch Navi" for prom; Kalin's chances; sneak-ins; ballin in the Jeep w/Juniors this summer; JE's house w/LEW; "New Year's Eve"; day before cheerleading camp; going to blue and yellow-purple hills w/LW, LL, LM, & LC; prom night; late night calls; Thursday night tradition; Chicken run w/Juniors in LEW's 4-runner; El Casa parties; Whitney's cell phone rage; Jane's cabin; mud riding in the "Road Runner"; KT staying at the houseboat; dances; ballin in the "Purple Van" w/AM & WW; longer trip w/ LC; wearing "moon pants"; "Slip-n-slide" & "kickball" at Lamar's; Bob & Nate's farm; "Grubbing" at Ruby Tues. for LR B-day; ICC soccer trips w/KR; hospital visits; and Spanish class 2000-2001

DISLIKES: Nosy kids; 2-faced, fake people; lame-game; immaturity; "spaz outs"; cheer Buddha, Raggedy Ann; AM cleanups; PDA; rainy nights in the bottom; car watching; Mikey crashing Kalin's game; Ana's driving abilities; Kelly T's sister fights; spider attack on jetski w/ KT; no raideo in "Road Runner"; thrown out of softball game for saying "yessir"; hyperventilating & breathing in a paper bag; KT squeezing me into prom dress; and getting lost in Tupelo w/LEW, JM, & KER

AMBITION: To graduate from UNA, become a successful Registered Nurse, and move out of Corinth to raise my family with the man I love.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tommy...Circa 2002

LIKES: 8/27; May 24 at 8:00 p.m.; my truck; coming to school for only four hours; Coach Greene's Sociology class; picking on SC about Nae Nae; Coach Scott's class; Coyote Ugly; videotape of AS; Going to Panama City Beach for Spring Break; SC's one hand wave; having a cotton tag; taking a walk with RW; and having SC chase me and not stopping

DISLIKES: All of my car wrecks; Mrs. Trapp's worksheets; jackknifing my car; getting speeding tickets; BC's staring problem; never getting a chance to watch Coyote Ugly; having Nae Nae, MM, and SH drop out; and SC's obsession w/ Nae Nae

AMBITION: To make a lot of money and start a customizing shop with Nae Nae.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Daryl...Circa 2002

LIKES: My girl Little B; "Shibby"; Gamecube; 11/19-11/23; 12/21-1/1; 3/11-3/15; 8 p.m. May 24, 2002; Incubus; Fights at Roger's Supermarket; And Theeen; 100.7; Tennis Balls; TS acting schizophrenic; Movie Gallery; The Simpsons; Alternative & Hip Hop; trips to Northeast; Monte Carlo's; my worn our red cap; El Blunto aka Papa Smurf; Eggbowl; Captain Crunch; sleeping in study hall and Survey; and annoying SV b/c she goes to Kossuth

DISLIKES: Mrs. Trapp's worksheets; Central girls beside Daily Corinthian; sharing cars; boy bands; laps around Southgate parking lot; DTE's driving skills; high school; sketch books; Wal-Mart; Metal & Hard Rock, especially Nickelback; covering for cashiers at Roger's during football season & missing every game; pep rallies; pointless e-mails; and people who drive slow

AMBITION: To get an associates degree in Computer Programming, get married, get a good job, and maybe someday be an entrepreneur building, selling, and repairing PC's.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dan...Circa 2002

LIKES: Davity; laps around Southgate parking lot; Roger's parking lot; Wal-Mart; 9/22/01; crazy people; captain crunch; Arby's; Wend's bus loads; poster boards of people; red lights; industrial park; bowling alley; homecoming; laser tag; btr-fly; 1/5/02; meeting back in 5 min; checkers; K-Mart PL; meeting on messenger; 2/27/02; 3/10/02; late night rides; running EM; my car; "you can do it"; raw meat; apron footballs; and stealing CD's

DISLIKES: Sketchbooks; 11 days; 1st of the month at work; 1/5/02; car systems; bosses; my 1st car; break ups; early dates; setting up early; car payments; getting stuck; Green Grand Prix; and security sharps

AMBITION: To continue working and retire as a bag boy at Roger's.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Angie...Circa 2002

LIKES: Going on long walks with my baby; spending time with my family; and most of all, graduating with the class of 2002

DISLIKES: Getting up early in the morning after working long hours; "snobs"; and people that will not talk to you

AMBITION: Find a good paying job and a good day care center, and to have a happy life with my baby.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Tommenia...Circa 2002

LIKES: Lee Miller; Rico's women; Astrion's friendship; Melissa's friendship; jealous girls; basketball championships; Dynasty; myself; Mrs. Trapp; Mrs. Cartwright; Melissa's game; my ability to run the salt shakers insane; drama; going to Jackson; MS for sextet; Whitney Mayes' personality; Duke's friendship; my first little niece; people that don't like me; winning my case; Charity's ability to make me laugh; music; singing; sextet; senior night; and people who want what I want and can get

DISLIKES: People who are stuck on themselves; special 2nd soprano; high waters; jelly rolls; salt shakers; people that are not real; loud people; childish freshmen; people who don't take care of themselves; people who have something to say about everything; smart mouth people; people that stare; boys that lie to women; and people that run their mouths

AMBITION: I am going to Northeast Community College to major in computer science and then go to Mississippi State and get a really good job.  I'm going to be an independent woman keepin' it real and moving away from the salt shakers.