Friday, July 6, 2012

Amanda Mills...Circa 2002

LIKES: JRR since 3/9/2000; "MIKIE-RIP"; sunflowers; Mi Toro; pictures; parties; shopping; camping & canoeing trips; Manda manda van; Amp-Dog; senior night; riding Mi Toro bull; karaoke @ Beatty's; bathroom lunches; last minutes; Six Flags; 4-wheeler rid in'; monkies; cook outs @ Bob's & Heather's; HO falling in the fire; the big blue Ford; "my lunchable's so cute"; graduation; Cancun; Florida w/Jon; BT; JAG; watching chickens hatch w/DS.

DISLIKES: Liars; backstabbers; harassment; getting chased by little girls down hwy 72; long lines; greasy straight hair; childish people; rumors; drugs; "sorry bout your luck"; posers; people who can't drive; "pandabear"; sugar free donuts; polar ice; curfews; death 5/10/99; immature girls; people who are supposed to be your friend; people who keep stuff going; people who cheat on their girlfriends.

AMBITION: To marry Jon after I graduate from UNA with my teaching degree.  Move far away from Corinth and live in a log cabin beside a lake w/Heather & Robert living next door.  Raise 2 beautiful children and live happily ever after.

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