Monday, July 2, 2012

Chad...Circa 2002

LIKES: The cadi; Z71's; $.25; road trips; deer hunting; loud trucks; Sunday nights w/BP; the Scumfrog; late night trips to Alabama w/HDP; little house at the farm; turkey hunting; Timberline knives; Kalin's ballin' skills; flowing w/ZD & JS; MAB's fine cousin; having 9 different vehicles in 4 years, the Yota, tossing golfballs w/WH & TJI; "Specials"; camping w/ZD & TT; out of town girls; shooting turtles w/ZD & BP; the Jeepsta; 6/2-6/9; Hershell's; Coach Ha'll's door kicking ability; redneck cans at the apt

DISLIKES: My truck getting sunk; working at Pennzoil; missing trips to Jackson; 15 yr olds going after 20 yr olds; getting hurt by 15 yr olds; 3 miles walks to the bottom; roadblocks on hwy 350; ZD losing my horse; monthly payments; LL & KR catching me and LT w/someone special; court; Booneville boys; red hair; liars; Jettas; Tull's Kawasaki; Beau's visor; girls that got the game wrong; ditches in Neely w/LT; teething; Holley V; and Collins.

AMBITION: To go to Northeast for a year then go to MSU. Graduate, get a good paying job, hopefully find the right girl & marry her.  One day I would like to own a horse ranch in Montana.

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