Sunday, August 26, 2012

Kayla...Circa 2002

LIKES: Babylove, spicy, sista vibes w/HR, 6/20/01, Aggie gro pic, Taco Bell w/the punks, 2:30 walks, A-M-B-R-E, senior night, PH's football skills, Envelope, WJ's punch, carwash, Tae-bo, ding dongs, and chocolate milk, CV's heys, HC '99, Leslie scrunchie, talks w/JN, love shackin' the hwy, Excursion Rd., sleeping at the symphony, mark time smiles, NYC trip, Aussie guys, annual staff wall, prom dress pics w/AR & WJ, KJ & the monkey, late night talks, sweet 16, Wal-mart cart crew, notecard parties, Stewarts, hidden doors, SP's 7th period entertainment, AL's "beauty shop", snowflake sam, Mr. corndogman, lil pig, "where'd the glass go?", BB & EY's love life stories, my nephews, Velcro nuns.

DISLIKES: Friends leaving, back of golf carts, chicken hats, leaving KHS, purple c's, marshmallow uniforms, unwound cameras, B-ville guys, WJ's cheesedip, holes at the park, cryin in eggs, spring break '02, NYC fights, disappearing trains, things in the woods, the Altima situation, ALS's cryworthy situations

AMBITION: To graduate from Ole Miss, have a mansion on the beach and drive Mustangs and Hummers for the rest of my life.

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