Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Angela...Circa 2002

LIKES: God; my family; sister; Taurean T., PN, and JC being my best friends; Cathy being my sister and 1:15; PN & WM spring break 01; PN X-mas 02; JC's dunk; Bus 3 click; my brother-in-law; my nephew; girl's basketball team; lil brother JW; City Road Youth; Mayes click; Damons; BM being my friend; 14 backseat ride to Movie Gallery 20 & 21.

DISLIKES: Haters; BM haters; highway 72; Lyon Street; people who don't smile; female fronting to be my friends; "People who don't like to come to school."

AMBITION: Graduate, go to NEMCC and then Southern Miss, major in Sports Medicine, get married, have kids, move away from Corinth.

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