Friday, July 6, 2012

Amanda Mills...Circa 2002

LIKES: JRR since 3/9/2000; "MIKIE-RIP"; sunflowers; Mi Toro; pictures; parties; shopping; camping & canoeing trips; Manda manda van; Amp-Dog; senior night; riding Mi Toro bull; karaoke @ Beatty's; bathroom lunches; last minutes; Six Flags; 4-wheeler rid in'; monkies; cook outs @ Bob's & Heather's; HO falling in the fire; the big blue Ford; "my lunchable's so cute"; graduation; Cancun; Florida w/Jon; BT; JAG; watching chickens hatch w/DS.

DISLIKES: Liars; backstabbers; harassment; getting chased by little girls down hwy 72; long lines; greasy straight hair; childish people; rumors; drugs; "sorry bout your luck"; posers; people who can't drive; "pandabear"; sugar free donuts; polar ice; curfews; death 5/10/99; immature girls; people who are supposed to be your friend; people who keep stuff going; people who cheat on their girlfriends.

AMBITION: To marry Jon after I graduate from UNA with my teaching degree.  Move far away from Corinth and live in a log cabin beside a lake w/Heather & Robert living next door.  Raise 2 beautiful children and live happily ever after.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Jamie...Circa 2002

LIKES: God; Robbie; horses; 4x4 trucks; four wheelers and lots of mud; modeling; pageants; horse shows and races; football; and NASCAR.

DISLIKES: Disrespectful people; people who act like they are afraid to break a nail; house cats; Chihuahuas; rumors.

AMBITION: To become a large animal veterinarian.  Also, to spend the rest of my life happily ever after with Robbie.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Ryan...Circa 2002

LIKES: BNL; yardwork in the Bronco with AB & AT; crazy Williams; Levon's youth leadership; Newmie's special 4; when Tino and Wes come out; ZD's freestyle; my 21st birthday party; O-town; goldust; CA's prayers; the beast; Carmen, Rob and the HBK; pictures on stage; Micheal J; stare out contests on the bus; Cuz; Lloyd and Harry; improving my social skills.

DISLIKES: Violent mood swings; "they" said; the Man; Celeste; Who's the Boss?; GR's driving skills; Chuck Knoblauch; West Lauderdale and Madison St. Joe; HDP's 4-wheelers; Larry; concussions; 20 questions; dipping out; Boone; Bama; BW and AB's knees; WS's speed.

AMBITION: To be a film director with JN starring in many of my movies and to also open a bowling alley where I drive to work everyday in an 84 sheepdog.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Angela...Circa 2002

LIKES: God; my family; sister; Taurean T., PN, and JC being my best friends; Cathy being my sister and 1:15; PN & WM spring break 01; PN X-mas 02; JC's dunk; Bus 3 click; my brother-in-law; my nephew; girl's basketball team; lil brother JW; City Road Youth; Mayes click; Damons; BM being my friend; 14 backseat ride to Movie Gallery 20 & 21.

DISLIKES: Haters; BM haters; highway 72; Lyon Street; people who don't smile; female fronting to be my friends; "People who don't like to come to school."

AMBITION: Graduate, go to NEMCC and then Southern Miss, major in Sports Medicine, get married, have kids, move away from Corinth.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Chad...Circa 2002

LIKES: The cadi; Z71's; $.25; road trips; deer hunting; loud trucks; Sunday nights w/BP; the Scumfrog; late night trips to Alabama w/HDP; little house at the farm; turkey hunting; Timberline knives; Kalin's ballin' skills; flowing w/ZD & JS; MAB's fine cousin; having 9 different vehicles in 4 years, the Yota, tossing golfballs w/WH & TJI; "Specials"; camping w/ZD & TT; out of town girls; shooting turtles w/ZD & BP; the Jeepsta; 6/2-6/9; Hershell's; Coach Ha'll's door kicking ability; redneck cans at the apt

DISLIKES: My truck getting sunk; working at Pennzoil; missing trips to Jackson; 15 yr olds going after 20 yr olds; getting hurt by 15 yr olds; 3 miles walks to the bottom; roadblocks on hwy 350; ZD losing my horse; monthly payments; LL & KR catching me and LT w/someone special; court; Booneville boys; red hair; liars; Jettas; Tull's Kawasaki; Beau's visor; girls that got the game wrong; ditches in Neely w/LT; teething; Holley V; and Collins.

AMBITION: To go to Northeast for a year then go to MSU. Graduate, get a good paying job, hopefully find the right girl & marry her.  One day I would like to own a horse ranch in Montana.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Rusty...Circa 2002

LIKES: My dad's truck; pizza; blue mountain slush; staying w/my aunt in Tupelo; working w/my uncle; drawing/sketching; graduating in 2002

DISLIKES: Doing my own laundry and dishes

AMBITION: 1st- To go to Florida on vacation, 2nd - to get a job making lots of money- "settle down" marry and one day have a family.