Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Josh...Circa 2002

LIKES: KNB, helmets, #24, crazy Williams, RM's grass stains, G17, Mary Mo, Lloyd Christmas, driving skills, one more time, the heartbreak kid, WS's swiftness, shine, AB's increased mass, b-ball with GR, taking one more, LS's national anthem, Adolfus B, Ryan getting shook.

DISLIKES: Pulling off interstates, getting punched, #8, KB's habits, green apple quick steps, memory work, night town, immature folks, PDA, law suits, "they said," Lane A, pointless talks w/WHT, CA's population theory, BW's and AB's running abilities, SC's rings.

AMBITION: Start a bowling team with RM at Miss. State, and eventually drop out of college to join the PBA.  After retiring I would like to relax, and strive to get all five.

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