Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Josh...Circa 2002

LIKES: KNB, helmets, #24, crazy Williams, RM's grass stains, G17, Mary Mo, Lloyd Christmas, driving skills, one more time, the heartbreak kid, WS's swiftness, shine, AB's increased mass, b-ball with GR, taking one more, LS's national anthem, Adolfus B, Ryan getting shook.

DISLIKES: Pulling off interstates, getting punched, #8, KB's habits, green apple quick steps, memory work, night town, immature folks, PDA, law suits, "they said," Lane A, pointless talks w/WHT, CA's population theory, BW's and AB's running abilities, SC's rings.

AMBITION: Start a bowling team with RM at Miss. State, and eventually drop out of college to join the PBA.  After retiring I would like to relax, and strive to get all five.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Class of 2002 10 Year Reunion

Join us for the Corinth High School
Class of 2002
10 Year Reunion Weekend

Friday, September 28, 2012
6 p.m. Classmate Tailgate
Warrior Stadium
CHS vs. Fulton

Saturday, September 29, 2012
1-3 p.m. Family Day 
Crossroads Regional Park

7 p.m. Dinner
Crossroads Museum @ the Depot

$35 per person, $70 per couple
Please RSVP with payment to Prentiss Butler.
Attention: CHS Class of 2002
P.O. Box 2353
Corinth, MS 38834
(Make checks payable to Prentiss Butler.)

**For updates and additional info: www.facebook.com/chsclassof2002 or keep checking the blog!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Kayla...Circa 2002

LIKES: Babylove, spicy, sista vibes w/HR, 6/20/01, Aggie gro pic, Taco Bell w/the punks, 2:30 walks, A-M-B-R-E, senior night, PH's football skills, Envelope, WJ's punch, carwash, Tae-bo, ding dongs, and chocolate milk, CV's heys, HC '99, Leslie scrunchie, talks w/JN, love shackin' the hwy, Excursion Rd., sleeping at the symphony, mark time smiles, NYC trip, Aussie guys, annual staff wall, prom dress pics w/AR & WJ, KJ & the monkey, late night talks, sweet 16, Wal-mart cart crew, notecard parties, Stewarts, hidden doors, SP's 7th period entertainment, AL's "beauty shop", snowflake sam, Mr. corndogman, lil pig, "where'd the glass go?", BB & EY's love life stories, my nephews, Velcro nuns.

DISLIKES: Friends leaving, back of golf carts, chicken hats, leaving KHS, purple c's, marshmallow uniforms, unwound cameras, B-ville guys, WJ's cheesedip, holes at the park, cryin in eggs, spring break '02, NYC fights, disappearing trains, things in the woods, the Altima situation, ALS's cryworthy situations

AMBITION: To graduate from Ole Miss, have a mansion on the beach and drive Mustangs and Hummers for the rest of my life.