Monday, April 30, 2012

Nakeitra...Circa 2002

 LIKES: The fact that I am BLESSED; mom's advice; being with J-Mar; Me, LL, & LW "fakin the deal"; having crushes; wanting to hit BR & listening to 100.7; all of LW's men (BBH & AA); Whitney B & Jontae; AB's "CRIP" walk; TN & AB trying to be "Sir Mix-a-Lot" & "Funkmaster Flex"; Me & TW laughing at SR's LAME GAME; Zyon's attitude; Treven; Rachel's outrageous stories; my Explorer Sport; "Coach" Northcutt; RW being a GREAT friend; J-Maine slipping in the "juice"; GD's bad attitude; "This dude right here"; BB & the bet; "What is the REAL reason he can't go to FL?"; HC '01 with DEE; ending HC w/ a kiss (J-Mar); state '00 & '02; Daddy & Patti; Toy & Tila's dance; Coach Robbins; CB & Alabama A&M; and CA's mullet

DISLIKES:  Hearing LL's story 40 times at state; LS's eating habits; cheer camp; Spring Break '02; too many best friends; MH, BB, JP, & CH watching halftimes 1000 times; J-Mar's mood swings; FALSE ACCUSATIONS; people either breaking the "RULE" or cutting it close; PDA; SR's TERRIBLE GAME; bad attitudes; BB not knowing me at times; black slits for eyes; and zebra hair

AMBITION: To become a successful pediatrician, live in an EXTRA LARGE house with my EXTRA RICH husband and drive an orange hummer.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sarah Elizabeth...Circa 2002

LIKES: JBD; meal deals in "the van"; C-town tennis; Megan's cooking skills; birthdays with the girls; Mardi Gras '99; Season's story of RB and "the wave"; Woody's '01; GHR's dependability; me and PCK's role in Carousel; the hooch; Tiff's appetite; lunch prayer; Homecoming with the girls; FBC youth group; Friday nights with MSS; HC '00; flowers from JBD; the boat; Senior Night; El & Josie; Florida trip with LER and AKC; Gloster 205; P. ROB's driving skills; double dates; "A" lunches; road trips; state tournaments; KCJ's nickname "boo boo"; Aunt Annie's; old blue; the space mobile; spring break in Utah; Disney World; 5/24/02; pictures at LER's; trips to Kmart with Megan; "you're great"; MSS's stories and her memory; TFT's fattiness; Lyn's love for animals; 11/14/00; Christmas '01 with the girls; HC car painting rivals; Frisco CO; mission trips and cranberry juice; and wine glasses

DISLIKES: 97 MPH in the rain; explosion at Katy's; meeting at SPJ's; AP Chem; Lauren's pessimistic attitude; summer reading; the Stupids; first day of school; Cross City Grille entertainment; last times; stress; MAC trucks; trip to Starkville with Season; and HC '98

AMBITION: To marry the man of my dreams, move to Nashville and decorate celebrities' homes, including Megan's, while I live in a cozy place outside the city and visit Katy at "The Bomb" every summer with the girls.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Follies Circa 2002

Some of us entered that school building once again for Follies this weekend.  You can't help but take a trip down Memory Lane watching all those seniors having the time of their lives!

Many of us would say that Follies was certainly one of the highlights of our senior year!  It was a time when the senior class spent countless hours singing, dancing, talking, laughing, and getting know each other even better.  It was a time when we had the opportunity to enjoy those we hadn't before.  

Follies is one of those "rights of passage" of every senior at Corinth High School, and ours was no exception.  Whether or not our Follies was the best ever is not what made it memorable.  No one can argue that it was quite silly to see 17 and 18 year olds singing "Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo" and "Supercalifragilistic."  It was the  memories during rehearsals and backstage that stand out in most of our minds.  We were weeks away from graduating high school, and we were carefree!

There were some wonderful moments during the performance too, though.  Clint's version of "Jupiter" or the girls singing and dancing to "Can't Fight the Moonlight" or the guys singing "Dancing Queen."  And of course the know, the one where all the girls started bawling as soon as the first note of music was played.

New friendships were formed during the two months of nightly rehearsals and after parties.  Reality hit us that we were all going separate ways.

As the Follies of 2012 played out on the stage, it made some of us think back to OUR TIME...10 years ago!

Man, how things have changed!  

Keep checking back as we reveal even more pictures and memorable moments from the Class of 2002!  Don't forget you can still email pictures to