Friday, March 2, 2012

Ten Years Ago...

Ten years ago, the Class of 2002 walked out the doors of Corinth High School for the last time as students.  Some days it seems like another lifetime.  Other days it seems like just yesterday.  Where is everyone now?  Where have they been?  Aren't you curious?

We decided to start this blog as a way to keep you updated...and as a fun way to help you reconnect with old friends, remember old times, and look forward to the big TEN YEAR reunion.  Please keep checking in to stay in the loop.  You never know what you will see here...or what memories we will bring up!  Ha!

If you have any fun pictures of you and/or your classmates...or if you think of any great "Remember When..." moments, please email them to  I can't wait to see everyone again!